
Precious Letters from Our Readers

We thank God for the many letters of counsel and encouragement we have been receiving. It is the only way we can evaluate our progress. Keep them coming. Our desire is to foster a free flow of edification, inspiration and burden from us to you, and you to us. This way we can pass some of the blessings on to the others who are reading. We would love to hear from you in any of the following ways:

Waiting to hear—The Editors

Greetings in the blessed name of Jesus!

We just received our newest Remnant issue and read the article on the Chinese churches. In this article Brother Denny refers to a book by Brother Yun. I was wondering if you could tell me what book it is and how to find it. This article is an answer to prayer. Almost two years ago, a Chinese exchange student in a graduate school here gave her life to Jesus. She is a glowing example of such powerful, humble prayer and exemplifies true Christian character. Her Chinese name is Zhihong, and her American name is Jamie. I recall one of our first meetings with her. She asked my husband, “Pastor, I just can’t know why anyone would want to go to China to be a missionary when they can save people here. Why would anyone choose to live in such a way?” Now, this sweet, Christian lady is burdened for her own country and has surrendered her life to missions in whatever capacity God would use her. She searches God’s will in prayer so often. My heart is touched each time she prays. She was so excited to hear I had an article on churches in China that she couldn’t wait to come read it! I truly believe the Lord directed that article to be written just at the right time. Thank you.

Her family still lives in China. They are practicing Buddhists. She has such a burden for their salvation. She sent them a Bible and tries to share the Gospel each time she speaks on the phone with them. She did mention that just having the Bible in their home, even if never read, would or could be cause for death. Please be praying for her family’s salvation, and for God’s direction in her life. We also have several other Chinese Christians in our church here on a visa. I have to say, when they give their lives to Christ, they do so differently. They might not be any more dedicated than most, but just different. They seem to understand easily and quickly that their life is now not their own in any way. They happily and joyfully surrender all to Him. Granted that all who come to Christ should exhibit this, but they are different and hard to explain. They are truly a huge blessing to all of us who know them.


The book title is
The Heavenly Man,
by Bro. Yun.
It is available through

Christian Aid Ministries
P.O. Box 360
Berlin, OH 44610
(330) 893-2428

Dear Folks at the Remnant,

My husband and I are independent missionaries sent out from our home church. I read the testimony of Kim and Amy Costanza in the Nov/Dec. 2001 issue of The Remnant. I was greatly moved by it, as they have gone through some of the same experiences we are going through. We have a desire for more holiness and a closer walk with the Lord. We no longer fit into most churches, because they are so worldly. We realize we also have a long way to go before we are all that God wants us to be. Our desire is to be broken and made into His likeness. Thank you for all you do to minister to people like us. May the Lord bless you for your faithfulness.

Bolivia, South America

Dear Remnant,

Greetings in Jesus’ name. Name above all names—King of kings, and Lord of lords! God bless all of you laborers for the time you spend publishing The Remnant magazine. I have been greatly blessed by the Chinese Church article. I can hardly wait to read the rest of it. God is moving in mighty ways all over the world, and it blesses me to have the opportunity to read about it. I am grateful that there are people out there who are clearly in touch with the Holy Spirit. Thank you also for sending our family The Remnant. There are not many magazines that we can rely on to teach us fully God’s truth. May God bless your ministry richly.

Milbank, SD

Dear Tape Ministry,

Greetings in Jesus’ dear name. I have just finished listening to the tape about the Chinese Church, “The Anointed Body of Christ in China,” by Brother Denny. It is amazing, to say the least. I loaned it to one of my co-workers, and he made several copies to give to others. I was wondering how we can get copies of the book that you mentioned. We were deeply moved by Bro Yun’s testimony. Please remember us in your prayers. We have no church to attend. We home church, and listen to Charity’s tapes. They are a great blessing to us. God bless all of you in the ministry and the church family. We pray for you often.

Hodge, SC

Very Dear Friends in Christ,

Grace and peace be with you. One dear brother from Holland sent me your magazine, The Heartbeat of the Remnant. This is a very precious magazine. I’d like to receive it at the above address. He also sent me a set of twelve tapes on the family. I am a Baptist pastor for thirty eight years and a refuge from Kosovo. We greet you and wish you God’s best. Yes, we also kill giants. Pray for us.
