Precious Letters from Our Readers

Lately, most of the letters from our readers have been full of encouragements. We want each of you to know how much we appreciate your support and especially your prayers. Please do pray that God would continue to anoint and sanctify His work.

“Hi Brethren! Calvary greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I really appreciate what God is using you for in His vineyard at this perilous time. I pray that the Good Lord continue to bless you and make you more vibrant for His work at this end time in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

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The latest publication of “The Heartbeat of Remnant” that was for July/August 2006,Vol 12, No.3, has also being a lovely one. I read about the article written by Rachael Weaver, titled “An Open Heart & Home”. I was happy because this is the real way God wants us to behave. Good hospitality is one of the Christian virtue that all Christians must develop in him or herself, but it is quite unfortunate that it is not so most especially in this part of the world (Nigeria, Africa). A lot of things are happening in the Christian fold nowadays that does not encourage Christians here to keep an open heart & home with other fellows. The believe is that if you give somebody an inch, he will take a mile. More so, it is of a necessity to render helping hands to those that need our help and also do good to everybody including your enemies, because the Bible says, “Love your enemies, do good to those that hate you and pray for those that despitefully use you.”

Nigeria, West Africa

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Dear brothers and sisters in God,

I have been receiving and distributing “The Remnant” in Sri Lanka for nearly one year now. We find the articles very inspiring and spirit filled. The emphasis you give for righteousness and separation from forbidden or unclean things is very remarkable in the present world. Many churches wouldn't dare to touch these fearing they lose the congregation and the wealth.

Sri Lanka

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“Dear Sirs, I just wanted to send you a note of encouragement for the very spiritual magazine you keep printing. Every time I receive it I can hardly put it down until every word is devoured. And I always enjoy the material from front to back. I have been passing the articles to others who think they might help. I pray God keeps supplying your needs to keep this magazine in print and also that He would bless you and lead you. Thank you!”


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Someone who is concerned by our title, “Heartbeat of the Remnant:”

“The Heartbeat of the Remnant suggests a degree of high esteem that this fellowship has; a type of spiritual pride and elitism that promises to cause much spiritual confusion and heartache. A more modest title for the mail-out and for the group—such as Poor In Spirit—would be more reassuring that the publication is not operating with serious spiritual delusion of pride. All great saints of the ages find themselves aghast at their own lack of holiness; not how they are the only ones left. And when a prophet stated that he was the only one left who had not bowed the knee to Baal, God pointed out a multitude of others, other remnants, who had not. I encourage you to a little more humility in your view of yourself. Yours in hope of the resurrection.” Signed Blind Ben


Thank you, Ben, for your honest concerns here. Your comments will give me the opportunity to clarify our intentions. It is true that we believe we are living in perilous times, and that by and large, we believe that a great part of the Church of Jesus Christ has gone into apostasy or compromise. However, just like the story that you mentioned about the times of Elijah, we also believe that God continues to preserve a remnant for Himself.

In calling our magazine “The Heartbeat of the Remnant,” I would like to make it clear that we are not saying that we are that entire remnant—God forbid! What we are attempting to do in this magazine is to hold up the holy, spirit-filled attributes that we read about in God’s Word as describing that true remnant of God. Then, with hearts inspired and vision clearer, we desire to encourage ourselves, and anyone else who will listen, to endeavor by God’s grace to be added to that number. --Bro. Dean

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